Sunday 26 May 2019

Canada - Day 5

Up and out, to the Plaza McGill restaurant / diner at 488 McGill Street (Inset: In January 2021 we discovered that the restaurant was closed; we feared that it might have been yet another victim of the Coronavirus Pandemic, but were pleased to find that the owners had simply retired in December 2019).

Breakfast - eggs, bacon, potatoes, beans (for me), toast and mugs of tea.

Well fortified, we strolled out into a light drizzle and made our way to the 

The metro trains run on rubber tyres:

The boss seemed quite excited:

A short ride to McGill, where we alighted and made our way to the surface to find - yet more construction work.  Seen here behind the protective fencing are (l-r) the Christ Church Cathedral, the KPMG Tower and a corner of the Hudson's Bay Company (about which, more later):

A short walk around the local streets to orientate ourselves, during which we came across this monument to Edward VII

and then back to "The Bay", as it is colloquially called:

More walking, and across the road to the Roddick Gates, the entrance to the downtown campus of McGill University:

Statue of the founder:

and in front of it a commemorative garden:

Views from the garden back the way we had come:

Off to the side of the approach road is a large grass field, known by the students as "lower field"  During term time it is apparently a popular location for sports, 'catching some rays' and studying.  Every June, it is also the location for Convocation ceremonies, held under a large tent:

We strolled around the quiet campus:

but decided against climbing Mont Royale, which is just behind:

At last we made our way off the campus and started exploring more of the local area.

As always, the little boy in me was fascinated by the construction work being carried out on this building.  It appeared that a cradle of covered scaffolding had been jacked up to allow work to be carried out on the upper floors:

A visit to the excellent Paragraphe Bookstore, to the Eaton Centre (which, being extensively refurbished, was crowded, full of building work and a major disappointment), and then back to The Bay - also something of a disappointment.  

A final view of yet another set of roadworks:

and we made our way past the MACM

and one of the youngest chess players we saw:

for a return visit to Café Dépôt for a restorative drink.

Out, and we started to amble towards Rue Saint-Urbain and 'home':

But not before we stopped off outside the Notre-Dame Basilica to admire this little chap:

to take yet another selfie:

and to watch the crowds.

Back to the hotel for a rest and freshen up and then out.  It was a beautiful evening and we strolled along Rue Saint Paul to The Keg steakhouse.

Your correspondent managed a full rack of ribs with slaw and fries, while Amanda contented herself with a half rack.

Our ribs finished, there then followed a minute of two of pure theatre, during which our waitress brought us hot towels not dissimilar to these.

Suitably cleaned up, we ordered desserts (ice cream for Amanda and cheesecake for me):

and then headed out, strolling down to the waterfront:

The Saga Sapphire was in dock:

The Montreal Biosphere was visible across the St Lawrence River:

and this dodgy-looking couple was visible in the reflection of one of the nearby structures:

The view back to the city:

and a map of the local area:

A view of the Aldred Building, inspired by New York's Empire State Building:

We found somewhere to sit and watch the world go by:

and then started back to the hotel. 

As we retraced out steps along Rue Saint Paul we came across La Galerie Blanche and, in the window, this bronze sculpture -  which we agreed was probably us in a few year's time:

Back to the hotel to collapse.

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